Saturday, February 27, 2010

Toilet Time

I hope you don't think I'm going all potty mouth blog on you; with a "P" and "toilet"  post back to back.  I promise my next post will have nothing to do with doo-doo!
I apologize, but I really couldn't think of a more appropriate title today. 
It seems that I'm doing alot of spiritual thinking and praying while going to the bathroom lately. 
I'm not trying to give TMI, just noting that I'm not quite sure what to make of this.  Is it sacrilige to mix the 3 P's?  Does this mean I am super spiritual (pray without ceasing) or a potty mouth?  Am I just a busy mother of 3 young kids who finds the only alone time in the day is found sitting upon the throne? (wait - any Mom will laugh at the thought bathroom time = privacy! ha ha ha!)
Or maybe.... gasp!  Maybe it means my priorities (once again) are misaligned.  Perhaps if I took time to pray in the morning during my quiet time, I wouldn't need quite so many toilet time prayers.
Yes, I've not been real consistent with quiet times again.  Sure, I've read my Bible - but spuradically.  I pray, but my prayers seem to be a bit more "emergency" and selfish in nature. 
Sure, I've had "stuff" going on in my life lately, and an in-house guest sleeping on the bonus room couch - my preferred quiet time spot.  But, let's be honest. Those are excuses.  God doesn't call me to make time for Him when all is well and convenient.  I am to make time to be with my maker. Period.
Here's to me cleaning up my act. 
Have you ever felt just a bit sacrilige for praying while on the toilet?  (Please don't tell me I'm the only one who ever does this!)
How are you doing with your quiet time consistency?


  1. Hi Britt....

    I haven't been on here in awhile. I also find myself praying on toilet or in the shower. I have felt guilty about it too.

    I do a pretty good job doing my BSF each morning, often along with a few quick prayers - but I am sorely lacking in my prayer life. I really desire to do a better job at this!!

  2. Joelle-
    I'll pray for you, if you pray for me - ha! :)
