Monday, April 5, 2010

Egg Hunt

Good Morning.  I trust everyone had a great Easter - celebrating Jesus Christ our risen Lord with family and friends.  We enjoyed our church's traditional pancake, ham, and fruit breakfast before service.  Then the egg hunt. At our church, eggs are laid out all over the huge open-grass lawn. My almost 6 year old daughter asked why they call it an egg-hunt, if the eggs aren't hidden. 
Good Point. 
This led me to think we should call it an egg-scramble.
Dan and I provided an actual backyard egg hunt for our 3 kids later in the afternoon.  It was so fun watching them run past an obvious egg because a bigger, brighter egg a few feet away caught their eye!  Or they would miss an egg because they didn't work hard enough (ie: lift up the orange soccer cone...).

Two things on Egg Hunts

1) I know they are a secular tradition.  Focusing on candy instead of on the cross of Christ.  But those little eggs are also a great reminder of the empty tomb!  In our toddlers Sunday School class, we have been learning that just like bird eggs and cacoons are empty after the chick and butterfly have new life - the tomb is empty because Jesus is Alive.  We have new life in Christ. 
Yesterday my kids were emptying their candy into their buckets, I asked my 4 year old, "What do all those empty eggs remind you of, Sweetheart?"  Her reply was great!  "The empty tomb.  Jesus is Alive"   :) 

2) Do I operate my life in the mode of egg-scramble or egg-hunt?  
For this illustration to work, let us assume that by "egg" I mean nuggets of Truth.
Do I simply run around and pick up all the obvious, big, and brightly colored eggs laid out in the open?  Or am I willing to hunt around a bit?  Slow down and see what is right in front of me?  How about put a little work into hunting for God's truth.  Am I willing to lift up soccer cones or get down on my belly to peer under the slide?  I'm not completely sure if this is a direct correlation of God's strategy.... but I know yesterday afternoon I hid the mega-candy-score eggs for my kids in the tougher places.
Hmmmm......  tough places = mega egg score.

Food  Eggs for thought :  James 1:1-12

How was your Easter?!?

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