Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Coming.... :)

I can NOT believe it!

I was thrilled to see this trailer pop up on my MSN entertainment page!!!
Hollywood has finally made an update to a classic movie.  One I remember staying up late to watch with my Dad on T.V.


(to the big screen................ full price)    ;)

The movie?

Tron: Legacy

I realize this potentially places me in the "nerd" category. 
I don't care.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Praise Gone Wrong

A couple days ago, my MSN browser provided me with this link:
Since I was procrastinating washing dishes and folding laundry, I clicked.

The article is titled:  "Healthiest state for kids? New Hampshire, study says"

Wow!  If I were New Hampshire, I would cut that article out and frame it!

But wait.  Maybe not.

After the glowing title, paragraph 1 (paragraph one) opens with,
"New Hampshire again ranks No. 1 nationally in an annual survey on children's well-being. But the numbers also indicate a growing problem in the state: poverty."

The rest of the article continues to highlight more problems than accolades for New Hampshire.

It made me chuckle.

Until I realized it's easy to do this with people.

"I really love what you did with your hair..... now if we can just work on your butt, thighs, and floppy arms"....

"Thank you for setting the table, honey.  Have you completed any of the 23 things on the Honey-do list,yet?  Like I've been asking you for 1,200 months????"

"Thanks for helping Mommy make supper.  Now pick up all that water you spilled.  It's important to pick up our messes.  Speaking of messes, did you clean your room?  I asked you to clean your room yesterday!  Why can't you be a better listener and obey Mommy?  Go to your room."

My point?
I don't know.  I think it was all too often I use praise as segue for letting someone know what I'd like them to improve on.  Perhaps I should let the praise set up for a bit, before crashing it with negatives or demands.

.... Better go fold laundry, or tomorrow's headline might read:

"Mom Climbs Mountain in only 3 days" .......
followed by paragraph 1 stating: Of course it was a mountain of laundry it took the lazy sloth 3 days to fold."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mommy Fail

Flipping open my Bible this morning, Proverbs 12:18a caught my eye...
"Reckless words pierce like a sword..."

Ouch!  Sure wish I would have meditated on that verse yesterday.

It was the end of a looonnng week of Dan being out of country, lots of activities going on, pain in the neck (literally), and more than enough projects to keep me overly busy. 
Still no excuse, though.  My main job this past week???? 
Being a single parent.  Being a MOM..... and I had  a major FAIL moment.

You see, earlier in the day, my 6 year old daughter, Kaylin, accidentally shut the back door on my 8 year old son's fingers... causing him to cry.  Then, at lunch, Kaylin accidentally shut the utensil drawer on my 4 year old daughter's fingers... making her cry. 
I, in all kindness and wisdom and love (sarcasm) , wheeled on Kaylin, and practically hissed,

"KAYLIN!  This is the second time you've slammed someones fingers today!  You have GOT to be more CAREFUL!!!"

Kaylin, who's love language is words of praise, just wilted and went in a corner and cried.

Makes me cry typing it out. 

How could I blurt that at her?  Kaylin hadn't even done it on purpose!

Anyway, thought I would share.  This blog IS about being REAL.  And I had a real Mommy Fail moment yesterday.

Thankfully, Kaylin forgave me...... and so does God.

I'm so glad HIS mercies are new every morning.

Think I'll go read Proverbs 12:18 one more time......

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Needed This...

I've been re-reading a Bible passage lately that God has used to speak to my heart.
Let me give you the bare bones outline of Philippians 4:4-8

"Rejoice in the Lord always......Do not be anxious about anything,.......And the peace of God.... will guard your hearts and your minds.......  if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

As great as the above passage is, the verse that zinged out at me comes a little later....

Philippians 4:19   "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Awesome verse.  I realize the whole "needs" vs. "wants" issue.  But still, if there is something I need emotionally or spiritually or intellectually, that falls under a need.  God doesn't just minister to our physical needs, but He ministers to us a whole individual.   He cares about our hearts and our minds.

Before I go get the kiddos breakfast, there is just 1 more thing about Phil 4:19.   Read verses 14-18.  Paul is writing to the church at Philippi and thanking them for the gifts they repeatedly sent him on his missions.
As the Philippians met Paul's needs, God was faithful to meet their needs.

What will I do today to help meet a need (physical or otherwise) of another?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In Another Life.....

No.  I do not believe in reincarnation. 
Hebrews 9:27 says,  "Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement."

But, I can't help but think what my life would be like if I lived a different life.  What if I had been born to famous parents?   Or in a poverty stricken third-world country?   What if I was raised in the big city; or on a large pig farm?  What if I was a famous actor or singer?  Soccer star?

I'm happy with my suburban life, white collar husband, and being average.  (O-Kay, I wouldn't mind a little bit of fame ;)  However, I wonder about other lifestyles and experiences.  This life is just too short to experience it all.  And I have a family to consider.  I can't pull up stakes, leave the kids and try to make it in Hollywood.  (assuming I could act, of course!)

Today?  I want to be a cowgirl.  I've always loved the west.  The idea of riding horses, working on a ranch, knowing how to rope and ride.   Of course, going to the rodeo last night has a smidge to do with my feelings this morning!

I am aware my cowgirl vision is slightly skewed thanks to historical romance novels and reruns of Wagon Train.  I know life as a real cowboy/girl is full of long, hard days and tough struggles.

Perhaps in heaven I will be able to experience different lifestyles.... without the hard work part.

How about you?  If you could live a different lifestyle, what would it be????

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lessons from a Dog

I've been the proud owner of a puppy 4 weeks now.
In case you missed it, Meet Hershey, a now 3 month old English Setter.

How Hershey has been good for me:

1) Gets me up in the morning.  I can't sleep in if I want to.  I can't tell him to fetch a granola bar snack, buying me an extra 20-60 minutes of snooze time, like I've done with the kids.

2) Exercise.  Sure, due to the fact Hershey isn't old enough to run yet, and I don't want to kennel him right after being kenneled all night, I've been neglecting my morning jog.  But he does make sure I take him on two - 20 minute daily walks
(yes, I know.  I could run in the evening.... but I'm happy using Hershey as an excuse for another week or so)

3) I'm a better Mom.  I'm reminded that consistent, positive reinforcement is the best training method.

4) I feel loved.  Hershey Kisses are great :) (not on the face, though)

Any dog owners out there with stories of how your pet has blessed you?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Will I Never Learn?!?

"I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."
 - Apostle Paul - Romans 7:15

Great verse with tons of spiritual implications to unpack.
I'm just using it for a springboard to talk about stuff I've regretted doing / not doing in recent days.

Things I should know better than to do / not do.....

1)  Paint My Fingernails.   I grew up a tomboy.  I'm mellowing into the occasional girly-girl, so I sometimes get the impulse to do something truly girly... like paint my fingernails.  Bad idea.  It ALWAYS ends up looking like a 1st grader painted them.  Actually, my 1st grader could probably do a better job....

2) Spend Way Too Much at Wal Mart.  I'm talking both time and money here.  I usually try going by myself - which means I go in the evenings when Dan is home with the kids.  I always think, "I'm gonna stick to the list.  Go, stay on target, and come straight home."  Never happens.  Wal Mart is not my ideal fun shopping store, but there is something about being alone that causes me to leisurely peruse every department in the store.  Even girly aisles.  (That's what got me in trouble with the above mentioned nails...)

3) Stay Up Until 2:00 am Reading a Book.  I really can not do this anymore!  I need sleep.  But I love reading a good book in peace and quiet....  Oh the dilemma!

How about you?  Any little annoying things you do/don't do that you catch yourself doing - even though you know better?!?

Monday, July 12, 2010


If you are interested in Homeschooling or Good Food .....
I updated both sites.
Click on the desired link at the top of this page.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hard Good-Byes

Woke up this morning to an "empty" house.
In-Laws caught an early flight home today and Dan is off at work.
My Dad and Uncle were able to stop in for a day visit this week... they're both gone, too.

Goodbyes are hard.
But I'm so thankful for all the fun we had this week!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July!

I love this holiday. 

I feel so blessed to have been born in the land of the free.  Where I am free to worship God.  Free to choose my life's course.  Free to say what I want.
Sure America isn't perfect.  (What country is?)  But she is perfect for me.

Of course, I'm also partial to the 4th for all the fond memories.

*  Large extended family camp outs at my great Uncle Darwin's ---- got to ride the 3-wheeler. (Mom's side)
*  Fireworks shows at 7 Ponds and grilled cheeseburgers with relatives.  (Dad's side)
*  Family vacation with my boyfriend's family...... where he proposed to me and became my fiance!  :)
* Those now In-Laws are currently visiting.  I love having family here!
*  Did I mention Fireworks?!?  :)

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.