Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lessons from a Dog

I've been the proud owner of a puppy 4 weeks now.
In case you missed it, Meet Hershey, a now 3 month old English Setter.

How Hershey has been good for me:

1) Gets me up in the morning.  I can't sleep in if I want to.  I can't tell him to fetch a granola bar snack, buying me an extra 20-60 minutes of snooze time, like I've done with the kids.

2) Exercise.  Sure, due to the fact Hershey isn't old enough to run yet, and I don't want to kennel him right after being kenneled all night, I've been neglecting my morning jog.  But he does make sure I take him on two - 20 minute daily walks
(yes, I know.  I could run in the evening.... but I'm happy using Hershey as an excuse for another week or so)

3) I'm a better Mom.  I'm reminded that consistent, positive reinforcement is the best training method.

4) I feel loved.  Hershey Kisses are great :) (not on the face, though)

Any dog owners out there with stories of how your pet has blessed you?

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