Saturday, May 1, 2010

Random Lysol Thoughts

Yesterday, as I Lysol-wiped my kitchen counters; a random thought link ran through my head.
And since I have no better blog post ideas and I'm a day late - I'll share it with you :)

Several years ago, while I was pregnant with my firstborn,  a woman co-worker shared the following with me:
"When my babies were born, I put Lysol in the air humidifiers and when people came over to visit those first weeks, I  just held my baby up to the screen door so they could see them.  I didn't want any germs making my babies sick"

I. kid. you. not. 

As I remembered this random conversation, God planted a thought in my head:
"Do we, as Christians, over Lysol-wipe our lives?"
Am I so worried about being contaminated by heathens, that I don't interact with them?
Is it safer to give money than time?
Heaven forbid I invite a non-Christian to hang out.  Or worse - go with them to their social function!  There might be germs, for heavens' sake!

On second thought,
For heaven's sake, perhaps I'll go ahead and hang out with heathens.................
I'll just pack a few Lysol wipes in my purse to be safe ;)

PS - The lysol woman was really nice and not nearly as wacky as that story makes her.  She admitted how crazy she had been as a young mom.

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