Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry-Happy Time

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.  I did.  I really enjoyed participating in our church's Christmas Eve services.  Watching the kids open their presents.
But now I am enjoying having a break from church obligations for a week.   I'm enjoying spending time with my Dad, who is visiting.  And since my Dad is visiting, the kids are enjoying having a grandparent around to spoil them with attention.  (Which means I am spoiled.  Extra time to myself while knowing my children are getting that special attention.)  Dan is still on vacation, which means I get to see him practically all the time.  (Good thing)  :)
So for me, this week between Christmas and New Years is fully blessed.  I'm past the "pressures" of Christmas and just waiting for the New Year.  A time to relax with family.
That is where "Merry-Happy Time" comes in.  It is past Merry Christmas, but not quite Happy New Year, yet I feel this special time should have SOME sort of expression.
This week between holidays, this week of transition from 2009 - 2010, my prayer for you is that you will experience a 
God's Blessings,

What is your favorite time of this season?  Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, Merry-Happy Time, other?  
(Note - for this question you are not allowed to factor in that Christmas Day is celebrating Jesus.  I'm purely talking about your personal feel-good holiday/time of the season.  It could be a day or tradition.  Something tangible or abstract)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Fruit Cake

Merry Christmas!
Hey!  I finally made homemade cinnamon rolls!  They turned out yummy, but I have a long way to go until they are perfected and gift-giving worthy ;)
So since my rolls weren't out-of-family shareable AND the pesky fact I couldn't send you one via cyberspace anyway, I have decided to whip up a batch of Christmas Fruitcake.   The kind I can share with you via the internet.   Enjoy!  (I probably won't post for a few days, so just like the real thing, you can nibble off small bits over the next few days). :)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22,23

Love - For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16      This is what Christmas is all about.  That very first Christmas, God gave us the perfect gift of His Son.  Jesus came as a baby, fully human, so that when He grew up He could bear our human sins on the cross.  But  because He was also fully God and perfect, death could not hold Him down and Jesus rose victorious - forever conquering death!  All because a baby was born on the first Christmas....

Joy - But the angel said to them (shepherds), "Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." - Luke 2:10,11

Peace - "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace." - 1 Corinthians 14:33   (This verse in context is referring to how people within a congregation shouldn't talk over one another in a disorderly fashion)  But I thought it appropriate during this season of so many "to-do" lists, shopping chaos, and scramble of places-to-be.  Remember amidst all the hustle and bustle that God is a God of peace.  Take a moment to just breathe and remember Christ this season.  May God's peace be with you this Christmas.

Patience - Anyone else struggle with this one?  I'm pretty sure we don't have it as rough as Paul did.....
               Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurnce; in troubles, hardships and distresses, in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love - 2 Corinthians 6:4-6a....
O-kay.  I suppose in light of that, I can be a bit more patient with my children. Or patient while God works out circumstances in a far better way than my limited mind could ever imagine!  (But can it hurry up and be time to open presents?!  I can't wait to see what I got....)

Kindness - And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomprable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - Ephesians 2:6-8
Oh.  I thought I at least had this fruit down.  I mean, I am kind. I share a piece of gum with a bad-breathed friend.  I hold the store door open for an elderly person.  Many times I bite my tongue when an unkind comment is on the tip of it.  But measured against the kindness of God in sending His only Son to die for me?  Well, I guess it puts a whole new light on "kindness".   

GoodnessTest everything.  Hold on the to good. - 1 Thessalonians 5:21
                    Yes, there are lots of stresses this time of year.  Time and schedule stress.  Money stress.  Extended family stress.  For several there is also great sadness.  Loss of loved ones this past year. (My sympathies and prayers go out to you). Family far away and unable to gather around the same table for Christmas dinner. While we probably all have something getting us down this season,  I encourage us to look for the good God has placed in our lives.  May you truly have a Merry Christmas.

Faithfulness - What if some did not have faith?  Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness?  Not at all! - Romans 3:3    and    I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.  I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that You established Your faithfulness in heaven itself. - Psalms 89:1,2
 I pray you personally have faith in Jesus Christ.  That you believe He loved you so much he died on a cross and rose again - paying the penalty for all our sins. But even if you are reading this and haven't come to that point of trust and faith, know that God is faithful.   If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9
And for those of us who already believe, may we remember this verse on faithfulness, taken from the parable of the man who used his talents wisely:  Matthew 25:21 -  "His master replied, Well done, good and faithful servant".  Oh to hear Jesus say that some day....

Gentleness - Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near. - Philippians 4:5.  What is gentleness?  This is what comes to my mind:  Gentle is opposite of harsh.  Gentle is a mother holding her newborn babe.  Gentle is not pushing my way around.  Gentle is Daddy tenderly kissing his girl's cheek goodnight while tucking her cuddlies in around her.  Gentle is a breeze of fresh love-air in a harsh world. Gentle is the King of Kings coming to mankind as a baby.

Self-Control - I don't know about you, but I really struggle with this one!  Self-control in not over-eating.  Disciplined self-control to exercise regularly.  Self-Control in my thoughts and actions toward others. The list could go on and on. I think my problem is that I truly expect it to be Self-control.  When what I need is Spirit-control.  By myself I am weak, uncontrolled, and truth be told, anti-everything in this fruitcake.  Fortunately, as a child of God I do have the Holy Spirit.  I just need to remember to let the Holy Spirit be in control.  Because I sure don't want to be like Proverbs 25:28 -   Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.  

Well, I hope and pray you enjoyed your Christmas fruitcake.  I realize my cyber fruitcake might have been a bit dense like the real thing.  Sorry.  There were lots of fruit nuggets to cram in.  Each ingredient alone is really a whole post - or book.  Oh well.  Christmas comes but once a year.  If I couldn't insert a really long post today, when could I?!?

Merry Christmas!  May God's blessings and  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control  be yours today and always.  :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Random Reminders

So remember from last post that I sense God working on me again?  One of the ways I know this is that my heart and brain are more in tune to the Spirit's promptings.  Usually in the form of everyday, mundane, random things.  The Holy Spirit will interrupt my sinful thoughts of selfishness or judgementalism with whispers of Truth.

I don't like seeing my sinful self through God's Truth mirror!  I would like to go on thinking I am a good person.  I would like to go on selfishly aquiring more junk to "satisfy" my covetesness (anyone find out yet if that is a word?)  rather than think about starving children or homeless women or modern day slaves!

Like today.  I was rinsing out 3 empty yogurt cups that had been sitting around for a few hours (for recycling).  I thought how hard it was to rinse out hours-old yogurt from tiny-mouthed yogurt cups.  Then I had a flashback to when several years ago, as a then Mom of one,  I judged a single Mom of three for daring to bring non-rinsed Yoplait yogurt lids for the church collection! (Yoplait "save lids to save lives") Couldn't she take the time to rinse?! 
Yep.  I felt a pang of guilt.  I am judgemental.

And earlier in the day I was daydreaming about someday becoming a famous author and what I could spend all my gobbs of money on.  Suddenly my spending was rudely interrupted by thoughts of how much my extra income could benefiit people in need!  (It doesn't matter this was daydream money - it was still my money!) (yah, yah, I know - it's all God's money - different topic for another day)

You want to know what Bible story God has been laying on my heart? (if not - don't read further ;)
Look up  Luke 12:15-21  (Use the side bar gadget if you don't have a Bible handy)

I've been wanting bigger and bigger house barns.  I need more space for more stuff. 
Like that Diamond Rio song, "Stuff"

          Stuff (stuff) stack it on stack it on up

         (Stuff) never gonna ever get enough (stuff)

           Oh it's treasure till it's mine then it ain't worth a dime

          It's stuff (stuff) spreading like weeds

          Dragging me under in an endless sea of stuff

          (Stuff) There ain't no end

         Got to get a bigger place so I can move in

         More stuff

Well, even though I still would like some more stuff, I sure don't want to end up like Jesus' parable rich man!

Okay, I think I've wandered enough for this posting.  What was the point?
Oh yah - The Holy Spirit sure is good at random reminders of how to live this whole Christian life thing.  I just need to take the time to listen.... and then take the time to look in God's Truth mirror. 
For as painful as it may be, a richer spiritual life lies on the other side of the looking glass.

Do you have any stories of how the Holy Spirit has used everyday, mundane, random things to prick your conscience?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spiritual Teeth Cleaning

So this morning I was thinking I needed to update the blog, but nothing came to mind.  Then throughout the day, God popped ideas into my brain.  Now to decide which one to choose!

Remember back a couple weeks ago when I challenged myself to read the Bible and spend time in prayer every M-F before breakfast?  Update:  God is faithful and every day, except Thanksgiving, that happened.
I needed it to happen.  I had been in a bit of a spiritual rut.  My lack of communication with God was rearing its ugly head in the form of covetesness (word?).  Basically, I wasn't happy with what I had and I wanted more.  (I still struggle with this, mind you, but the covet monster lost its grip on my every waking thought.)

Well, Praise God, I didn't even realize He kept kicking me out of bed in the morning well into December!
And even though the record isn't spotless, at least there is a record.

Anyway, this brings me to my post idea:
Can you relate to when you are God is refreshing your relationship with Him?  You are a little rusty and have somehow managed to re-cling to old ways of living or old ways of thinking.  You know God wants to clean off that muck and form an even deeper bond, but you are leary?

It's like going to the dentist.  I don't want to sit in that chair, have my teeth/gums poked and proded, have grit ground into my mouth and have a stranger run string through my teeth!  Yet afterwards I feel all nice and clean and shiny.  (granted, this analogy only applies for teeth cleaning.  I believe God would perform miraculous pain-free root canals.)

Well, that is where I am now.  (No, not the dentist, silly)  Experiencing spiritual teeth-cleaning.  Both eagerly awaiting it, and dreading it at the same time.  I know I will love, love, love the "end"  (spiritual growth is life long process) result, but I dread what may be reaquired of me.  Both now and the future.

Be on the lookout later this week for those other "ideas".
And FYI - The whole  "dentist" thing?  Wasn't even one of them.  God literally popped that one in as I was typing.   Wow!  See? God is working on my spontanaity!  (I'm a planner)  :)

Am I alone in dreading the dentist?  (Literal or Spiritual - take your pick)  (ha ha - "pick" - I'm punny)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Links

If you share a passion for Homeschooling, Food, or Writing, check out the new links at the top of this blog.
They are still blogs in progress, but I have recently updated "Homeschooling".
I may add other blog links in the future, but I think these 3 are enough to launch for now!  ;)
PS - Have you checked out my sidebar gadgets?  Beauty Tip of the Day, Bible Reader (read what is playing or type reference you wish to read), and Funny Points to Ponder (comic relief).
ALSO - please click on the "The Hunger Site" icon in the top left corner. It is quick and painless.  Just by clicking you provide over 1 cup of food to a starving child!  And you can do it every time you visit this blog!  Thanks :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Top 5 - Holiday Foods

Ok, there are two things compelling me to write this post:
1) It is FRIDAY!
2) Within a 24 hour period, two different people have mentioned the word "cinnamon roll" (thank you, Ping and Dan)
So without further ado, Here is my list of favorite holiday treats.

1) My Grandma Werner's Danish Puff  (almond flavored pastry)(1 thing of hers that, thankfully, I can make)
2) Christmas morning traditional breakfast of Grapefruit and Cherry Turnovers (yes, I know that is an odd combo, but it's a blend of 2 families and the kids love it!)
3) Cinnamon Rolls (My Mom's caramel ones)
4) Our annual Christmas party food  (summer sausage /cheese/crackers and all the candies - Choc Cherries and MMs)
5) Chic-fil-A - any  (Ok that last one is for anytime, but I thought maybe for Christmas someone could figure out a way to mail me some!)  ;)


P.S. -  Prayer today is needed.  I'm thinking about sneaking in a little shopping this afternoon before the weekend super-crazy rush.  I will be hitting the Christian bookstore and Barnes and Noble.  (with kids)
You know how some women should not enter a shoe store or home decor store? 
Yah - for me it is a book store.  So the prayers are for me to not overspend today :)  Thanks!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tis the Season

Tis the Season of shopping
from black Friday not stopping
until Christmas Eve
When finally we breathe
And we muse,  "Oh Joy"
What a deal on that last toy.

One last time we check our mail
But sadly to no avail,
Dear friends from Atlanta
Forgot about Santa
And no gifts from them arrive...
Oh dear, we forgot cousin Clive!

Will what we bought be enough?
Will the turkey be tough?
Will I gain five pounds, maybe eight?
Must I wear the sweater I hate?
All these questions we ponder
But seldom stop to wonder.....

At the wonder of HIS birth
The whole reason for myrth
Why we even buy gifts
Why we even make lists
Why the 25th is special - a holiday
Maybe I should take a moment and pray

Father in heaven,  thank You for,
the money I have to go to the store,
For all of my family - near and far,
Even ones not sending a card.
For sending your Son
to be the One
Who came on Christmas morn' .....
A Savior is born!

Merry Christmas Season!
Enjoy the shopping and parties and time with family and friends!
I'm just trying to remember the true reason behind why I do all this extra stuff in the first place!
(So I keep my priorities straight ... and keep my sanity!)

What is a favorite Christmas tradition you have? 
What is the most stressful portion of the season for you?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bad Mom???

Last night I let my children stay up until midnight, watching movies and eating junk food.
Today I let them eat as much candy as they wanted for "lunch".

Am I a bad Mom?

Before you judge me, let me explain:
Dan and I host a couples Christmas party every year.  On that evening, we let our kids have their own party upstairs with goodies.  They get to stay up as long as they are being good.
Another annual tradition is getting together with friends to decorate graham cracker houses with candy.
It just so happened these 2 traditions fell back to back this year.

So no, I do not normally let my children stay up until midnight or eat as much candy as they want.

This scenario brings a couple of thoughts to mind. 

1) It would be really easy for someone to read the first two sentences of this post and judge me as a bad Mom.  It made me think, how often am I judgemental of other Moms based on what I see at first glance?  Or on what she may allow her children to do that is different from what I do as a Mom?  Heaven forbid another Mom sets different bedtimes or food choice allowances or TV watching times from my holy standard!
Lord help me not be so judgemental.  May I look at the plank of bad Mom moments in my own eye before judging the specs in another Mother's eye!  May I be quicker to offer genuine assistance and support to other moms, rather than condemning thoughts.  Amen.

Interactive Segment:
2)  I was curious what Christmas traditions you ladies may have with your kids? 
        (Especially if they involve something that could be considered "bad Mom")   :)