Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry-Happy Time

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.  I did.  I really enjoyed participating in our church's Christmas Eve services.  Watching the kids open their presents.
But now I am enjoying having a break from church obligations for a week.   I'm enjoying spending time with my Dad, who is visiting.  And since my Dad is visiting, the kids are enjoying having a grandparent around to spoil them with attention.  (Which means I am spoiled.  Extra time to myself while knowing my children are getting that special attention.)  Dan is still on vacation, which means I get to see him practically all the time.  (Good thing)  :)
So for me, this week between Christmas and New Years is fully blessed.  I'm past the "pressures" of Christmas and just waiting for the New Year.  A time to relax with family.
That is where "Merry-Happy Time" comes in.  It is past Merry Christmas, but not quite Happy New Year, yet I feel this special time should have SOME sort of expression.
This week between holidays, this week of transition from 2009 - 2010, my prayer for you is that you will experience a 
God's Blessings,

What is your favorite time of this season?  Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, Merry-Happy Time, other?  
(Note - for this question you are not allowed to factor in that Christmas Day is celebrating Jesus.  I'm purely talking about your personal feel-good holiday/time of the season.  It could be a day or tradition.  Something tangible or abstract)


  1. Question is WAAY to hard to answer, but I'll comment anyway. :)

    I love our traditions on each of the occasions. So that's my answer: the Traditions.

    Christmas Eve: the Christmas Eve church service followed by steak dinner and family photo session. Then all the Santa prep.

    Christmas Day: love dragging it out as long as possible then going to Mom and Dad's and dragging it out longer. So much fun coming home and spreading out the "loot". (little bit of materialism showing here... sorry)

    Between time: just chillin'. Relish the last school break, sleeping in (as late as Campbell allows), and enjoying the Christmas gifts.

    New Year's Eve: love our family tradition of eating totally bad for you appetizers of every shape and size, playing wii games as a family and trying to stay up until midnight. (I go to bed immediately following midnight!) and this year the UT bowl game.

    So how's that for not answering your question in the longest way possible! LOL

  2. Well, Keely,
    If I am allowed to ramble, I suppose you can, too :)
    And I agree - appetizers are wonderful. I particularly love cheese sticks and batter-fried mushrooms :) oohhh - and buffalo flavored chicken strips, and potato skins, and....... :)
