Monday, March 22, 2010

Big Gov Monday

I don't normally have too much to say politically.
However, today I am sick. 
Gut sick that the Health "reform" bill passed, that is. 

Link here for an article covering the general overview of the newly passed bill.
And if you want a good bed time story, here is the link for the full 2300+ pages :)

There are good ideas and well-meaning motives behind it, I am sure.  But nobody can convince me a 2,300 page bill will work.  It is like putting a huge, pin and needle ridden band-aid over a gaping gash.
Trying to cover everything in one big bill is just going to hurt our country by causing more problems and ignoring others.  A lot of little hidden agendas get hidden in 2300 pages.
One of those sections found in the 2300 pages?  Forcing eveyone to buy insurance.  That's not constitutional!  "Buy product X or we take your money anyway"  Goodbye free market and hello forced market.
And this time it's not just the wealthy paying for the poor situation.  Everyone pays.  Tax increases for middle class on up.  Meanwhile the poor have to fork over money for insurance they already can't afford. 
I might be wrong, but our U.S. version of socialistic healthcare means more hard earned money spent by the working class citizens for the same old benefits.  Looks like most of the changes in this bill are geared towards making it easier (or mandatory) for more people to buy insurance so that the government looks good on paper. The changes should have been focused on helping people.  On increasing the benefits of healthcare for our citizens.  Of using the money we already spend more wisely.
To me, the bill's benefits look like chump change.   (Oh sure - they promise drug companies will start lowering meds costs by 2020 - 10 years away) I don't see any provisions for lower doctor/hospital bills.  Maybe there are.  I haven't gotten through all 2300 pages yet......
Other countries might have socialistic health care that works.  But it seems great because there really are benefits.  Cheap doctor visits.  Cheap meds.

Sorry.  I don't usually rant about politics.  I'm all riled up having just read the article.
And I realize I am not being part of the solution.  (I'm not in politics and have no great ideas of my own - other than trashing the whole medical system and starting completely over. Now that bill might be 2300 pages worthy!)
However, I wasn't trying to be part of the solution here.  Just releasing steam on my blog diary so that I can go back to my every day normal life.  I'd rather rant here than at my kids or in my poor husband's ear after a hard day at work :)
PS - this was not an "anti-Obama" speach.   Just frustrated that politicians can't figure out what the best thing is for the American people!

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