Friday, June 18, 2010


...  This is whirlwind semi-picked up!
This past Friday night my friend's 3 kids (same age as our 3) spent the night.  I wish I could blame them for the state of my house, but I can't.  They were all 3 well behaved and a fun time was had by all.
Sunday was church followed by a picnic and new officer election meeting.
Monday evening we went and selected which English Setter puppy we wanted.   We are naming him "Hershey".  Isn't he cute?

We will bring Hershey home on Sunday afternoon. (Happy Father's Day, Dan)  ;)

Tonight and tomorrow morning Dan and I are attending a marriage seminar. 
Tomorrow afternoon we drive an hour north for a cherry festival.
We are also going to meet up with Dan's Uncle Les for supper.

Whirlwind of a weekend!

That reminds me.  The picture at the top of this post is due to home school.  I'm going through last years papers, new supplies, and trying to organize them on the dining room bookshelf in a some-what puppy-resistant manner.
Unfortunately, before things look better, they look messier :(

My thanks to good friend, Jenny, for watching my kids yesterday so I could make the above mess!


  1. How addorable. Hershey will have such a great home. I know he will be in your bed by the second night:)

  2. Very cute Hershey! What a wonderful weekend you and Dan have planned. And how wonderful you get to see Uncle Les!! So great to have some family around, isn't it! The cherry festival sounds like fun. Be sure to let me know what that's all about (and don't say "cherries".)

  3. great new pup! how fun! we are up at Camp Perkins for the week! I"ll call ya next week and we'll hang out and talk "gathering" stuff...

