Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

I need to apologize for my infrequent posting lately.
[For an update on this past weekend, see this post]
This week, I really can blame it on Hershey... and swim lessons.  Trying to figure out our new schedule.

But prior to this week, I have no excuses.  It is summer, for crying out loud.  I should have more time.
I'm perplexed at the following formula:
   a (more time)  + b (less activities to do)   =  c  (get even less done)

If anyone can help me with the above equation, it would be appreciated!!!  :)
Hope you are enjoying your summer.


  1. I always, ALWAYS have the same issue. Very annoying. I think "oh, good! Now I can get all sorts of things done because ____ is done for now" HAHAHA! It is very annoying how that happens. I think I am motivated by deadlines and force myself to be more organized when I have a ton to do. Still, it is very annoying. Sorry I can't help you at all with that!

  2. @ Joelle -
    I think you nailed it with "...I am motivated by deadlines and force myself to be more organized...." :)
