Sunday, August 29, 2010

Not Seeing the View for the Tracks...

I'm back home from a wonderful family vacation in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The most amazing part?  Spending time with family.  That included my brother and his wife, whom we haven't seen in 2 years, and the kids in 4 years!  :(   (No family feud... they've just been living overseas)

On Thursday, we rode the Cog Rail to the top of Pikes Peak.
Elevation 14,115 feet.
This is a view from the top:

This is me holding up my daughter so she could see the above amazing view:

Do you know why I am laughing?  (of course you don't ... I'll tell you.)
When I hoisted her above the wall, her exclamation was, 
"Wow!  Railroad tracks!"

Ummmm,  that wasn't the point, Sweetheart!  :)

Later that night I got to thinking (I don't think during the day...) and I wondered if I do that.

God lifts me up above a wall in my life to show me an awesome view. 
How HE views my life.  Or HIS plan and direction HE wants to take me. 
The big picture.

All I see are the railroad tracks.
They are pretty neat, but SO short sighted.  I see them everyday of my life.

My prayer that night was for God to open my eyes to HIS view for my life.

Oh.....  One more thing.

Sorry, I know all caps is like shouting.
Couldn't help it :)


  1. wow - great illustration. Thank you for the post. SO GLAD you got to have time with K & J and so glad you had a good time...and got to eat Chick-fil-A. We feel the same way...about time with those guys AND CFA :)

  2. I've never eaten at Chick-Fil-A. Is it really that good? Do you know that one is coming to the SUB at BSU? At least that is what I read in the paper. We rode up the cog train a few summers ago (and also when I was 8). That is a fun trip. I like the illustration also. I'm sure I do that a lot. Often a few months (or years) later I'll figure out what the big picture was at that moment. But in the moment I too am so focused on the 'tracks.' Why do we do that???

    Thanks for sharing all your deep thoughts! :)
    (at least they aren't like Jack Handy's deep thoughts - from SNL)
