Growing up, there are two quotes I remember my Mom pounding into my brain. Well, besides the usual
"chew with your mouth closed" or "work before play", etc.... :) Did Mom stop spouting these two quotes when I turned 18?
Oh No.
Somewhere in a college dorm addressed letter, or tucked into an email my Mom inevitably quoted 1 of 2 Bible verses:
1) 3 John 4: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
2) Something about "Standing Firm"
I'm sorry, Mom. I do not remember the verse you used to back that up. Perhaps that is because there are so many verses on standing firm to be found in the Bible??? (I tried looking up your specific choice verse, and could not narrow it down)
OR - perhaps it is because I usually just thought, "yah, yah. Stand firm. What a weird piece of advice, Mom."
Yes. I knew some of the references to standing firm found in the Bible, and that it was important to not be swayed as a boat on the ocean waves. However, it seemed like kind of "blah" advice.
No, "go get 'em, tiger" or "be all you can be" or "shoot for the stars" or "you can do anything you set your mind to".
Does anyone see a corelation in the phraes I would have picked for myself?
I am a doer. A planner. A control freak.
I would like to believe that if I set my mind and talents to any task, well, then I can achieve it.
If you read my last post, you understand I haven't done a very good job of directing my own life on my own power lately.
I forgot to stand firm. To stand firm in HIS (God's) mighty power. I forgot to stand firm with the armor of God in place.....and I fell for the devil's schemes. (Ephesians 6:10,11)
It is kind of ironic that the hoemschool verses I just had my children learn a couple weeks ago were Ephesians 6:10,11 and 6:13-17.
And this morning, various verses on "stand firm" kept popping out at me.
I think I'm going to reflect on "standing firm" and "resisitng the devil's schemes" the next few quiet times.
Thanks Mom. Thanks for being wise and pounding Truth into my brain over the years. I didn't want to hear "stand firm", but it is what I needed to hear - even all these years down the road.
And that reminds me. As a Mom, I often wonder if the little "darts" of wisdom I try and throw at my children ever stick. I must remember that God can use those darts to plant seeds of wisdom in my children's hearts. Seeds that might not grow for years. And the more darts I throw, the more likely I will hit a bullseye.
Okay, with my aim, I have to throw lots of darts, but you get the picture :)
Here is to standing firm as Moms and continuing to speak Truth to our children!
My dear Susie, God equips of for everything He sets before us; for the task at hand; even if at a given moment we're not aware that there may be a task at hand. Many times I think we as believers do not realize the far reaching impact of the depth of our obedience to HIM, on others. We may never know what influence we may have on someone's life, whether that be someone we live close with for many years or someone we just happen to sit by on an airplane. When our desire is to serve and honor our God, He uses us in ways we may be unaware. But I'm so mindful that He works in us, through us, and even in spite of us. And thank you, my precious daughter for the honor you show me. I am humbled, grateful, and yes...thrilled. I delight in seeing you grow through your "Jacob" moments of wrestling. You DO bring me much joy! 3 John 4 ;o) I love you...Mama