Thursday, November 5, 2009

Two Bin System

Hello Ladies,
Nothing heavy today, just a discussion on something inventory managers refer to as "the Two Bin System" I know that sentence probably seems oxy-moronic, but really - it's simple.
Basically it means that for any given inventory item, (let us call it widget A) a company uses two bins (hence the name) for storage of Widget A.
When the first bin is empty, it is time to reorder Widget A so it is received before the second bin is depleted and the company runs out of Widget A.

I personally operate on a two bin philosophy for many household items.
Things such as flour, wine, toothpaste, and toilet paper are all good examples.
I hate deciding to finally bake a batch of homemade cookies (once in a blue moon) and realize I only have a 1/2 cup of flour left in my flour tupperware. When this does happen, I can relax becuase I know that since I operate on a 2 bin system, there is a 5 lb bag of flour nestled in the back of my pantry.
I think it is obvious why I utilize the 2 bin system for toilet paper. :)

I thought I operated on the 2 bin system for shaving cream as well.
Must have forgotten to put it on the list.
So what is a girl to do when realizing "Wow! My husband gets home tonight from a 10 day business trip and..... yep.... haven't shaved the legs for at least that long!" So like a dutiful and loving wife I hop in the shower. Only to realize I am OUT of my raspberry, girly scented shaving cream? I think "No problem. 2 bin system."
Nope. No girly shaving cream to be found - anywhere. :(
I did however find an old canister of my husband's manly scented Edge shaving cream.
Nothing else for it, so I laughed as I lathered and thought "Great! I'm trying to catch my husband by smelling like a man!"
Fortunately, the story ended well. You see, Dan doesn't have the best nose, and with liberal amounts of perfume applied to my neck and wrists...... well, I guess he just didn't get around to smelling my legs! ;)
So Wifely tip for the day, Ladies???
Add Girly Shaving Cream to your Two Bin system.......
At least if your husband is a leg-sniffer, that is :)


  1. I don't have time to add another step to my shower routine, it's a good day when the legs even get shaved with soap. But you go girl! I appreciate your desire to smell girly.

  2. Tiffany,
    I really don't have a choice. Soap just doesn't get the job done :( :)

  3. Many sources recommend using hair conditioner instead of shaving cream for your legs. It works as well, is cheaper, and you probably already have a "two bin system" going for hair products! :) Love the new blog!

  4. hmmm,
    I'll have to try conditioner. It would help make quicker work of the Costco size bottle ;)
    Thanks for the tip, Keely.
    (And yes, Hair products ARE on the 2 bin system)

  5. Yep. I was going to recommend conditioner. That's all I ever use - plus, it smells nice.
