Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why this Blog, anyway?

So maybe this should have been the first post. But the whole coffee shop experience was fresh on my mind, and seeing as how I am a "blurter", that made first post! (couldn't wait to blog about it) Growing up I always considered myself a patient person.
Then I grew up.
Oh yes, I put on a happy face and pretend all is well..... but inside, I am ready to act NOW.
(Or else have somebody else cease what they are doing/saying to annoy me, NOW.)

This is not a good trait on many levels. But Primarily:

Patience is an expression of love.

Love is patient, Love is kind - 1Corinthians 13:4
Trust me, there have been several days I regret teaching that verse to my children.... ;)

* When I am not being patient (and I mean truly paying attention to what they are
saying/doing - patient) with my children, I am not showing them love.

* When I impatiently tap my foot or roll my eyes at the S-L-O-W
WalMart check out cashier, I am not showing her love. Do I stop to
consider that maybe a truly patient and warm smiling face might
be the only bright spot of her evening? (I mean, who wouldn't perk up at
a smile from me, right?!?)

All right, already. On to the main point of this post
(Thanks for patiently hanging in there, btw) ;)

Why this Blog in the first place?

1) First and foremost, I feel it is a prompting from the Holy Spirit.
It seems HE has really laid it on my heart to Be Real. To put aside the made-up, nicely dressed Sunday morning image. The posting of all things good in my life blog post and FB quips. Now, do not get me wrong. I do not lie, but I don't exactly post the stories of how nicely I yelled at my children that morning! Within the past few weeks a few comments have been made to me that caused me to think about how real I am with people. I'll give you 2 examples.

One was "Britt, that is what I like about you, you are always so real".
Great! That made my day. One of the best compliments ever.

But a month or so later another mom and I had this conversation after church:
Mom: "I love your girls' dresses today, did you make them?"
Me: "NO! I don't sew. I got them at Kohls" (Can I get promo credit from Kohls, here?)
Mom: "Oh, I just assumed you sewed, since you're super mom and do everything"

Yikes! Do I give that impression to people? I mean, sure, I like to be well thought of and to at least appear fairly competent, but "super mom"? Had she spoken with my children, they would have set her straight! :)

2) I feel I have lots to say about life in general
Ok, some other day I will post on another virtue: humbleness. Unfortunately, I do not have that one figured out yet, so it will have to wait. But in all honesty, there are things in life/my life that I want to comment on. And since I do not have a syndicated magazine column, radio spot, or a talkshow bearing my name, that left me with free Blogger! :) This blog is my creative outlet, my cyber journal so to speak. I will probaly continue blogging even after all of you fans (shout out to Mom here) long abandon me :)

3) My prayer is that writing about my life and what God is teaching me will be an encouragement to other women who find themselves at a similar juncture in life.
By that I mean:
Married, raising children, stretching finances, keeping up on housework. Being the best Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Granddaughter, Cousin, Friend, Neighbor, Worship Team Member, SS Teacher, Aspiring Writer, Person in line at Wal Mart, and Blogger that I can be...... while not snapping into insanity!

So if you are haning in there with me while I figure out the shape of this whole
"cyber-interactive-journal-thing" - thanks a million. Let me know your suggestions to make this a better site. After all, I want this site to be as much about YOU, as it is me.
(See, I'm not that conceited!)

This site just wouldn't work without you.
I would have to start interacting with myself ;)

Question for you:
What ARE your thoughts on this blog idea? Any suggestions on what you would like to read here? What would bring you back to this site? etc... etc....

-Britt :)


  1. Praying for you and supporting your honesty with this blog.....you go girl....with the Holy Spirit.....follow, trust, and obey with an honest heart. Lots of women will be blessed, including you my friend!

  2. I would come back to this site if:

    - I could count on new material regularly.

    - You continue to respond to reader's comments. It shows you really are after the dialogue and not a soapbox.

    - The posts were in general short and to the point, but some occasional longer/deeper ones.

    - Posts were labelled (blog feature) by topic, such as family, God, humor, Britt's random thoughts, etc... so that if I wanted to focus on one 'genre', I could . (Not that I would - I'll read it all, but I meant if I didn't know you and just wandered on here.)

    - The format stays simple and readable. To be honest, too many caps/bold/italics make it hard for me. (I know - I'm an old lady.)

    Keep it up, Britt!!

  3. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts! Thanks :)

  4. i'm with kari. i mean ,she said everything i was thinking in a better way. thats why she's the writer/editor :)

  5. Hi Britt,
    You are real, and really entertaining! Looking forward to your next post!

  6. I am drawn to the real life, day to day stuff. I want to know I'm not alone, and I want refreshing, honest stories of how God is working out His glory in your life. I look forward to all you have to say!
