I love details. I love lists and cross-check color-coded spreadsheets. Excel is my friend.
If I don't take frequent breaks to come up for air, I miss the big picture. The why of why I am performing a detailed task. The purpose of my precious little details.
Read Matthew 20:17-21 and the same story in Mark 10:32-37.
If you don't have your Bible handy - use the sidebar Bible gadget.
On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus clearly laid out for the 12 what was going to happen. He gave them the big picture:
The Son of Man will be betrayed - Priests will condemn Him - Gentiles will mock, flog, and kill Him - Three days later He will rise.
That may sound like a detailed list to some of you. Trust me, it's not. Details would be:
The Son of Man (which is me, Jesus, by the way) will be betrayed (by a kiss from Judas Iscariot in the garden of Gethsemane) and (Caiaphas) will condemn ME to death (by crucifiction at Golgatha)...................... you get the point.
Anyhoo, I digress.
Jesus just finishes telling the 12 about his death. More importantly, He tells them of His resurrection! He is going to forever conquer sin and death!
James and John, the sons of Zebedee missed the forrest for the trees. They only had one little detail on their minds. "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory".
Basically, they said, "That's nice. Now, when you reign, can we share your glory? We're worried about us, Lord."
Do I do that? Am I so caught up in my own life - my own details - that I miss what Jesus is trying to teach me? Do I forget to glance up and notice what God is doing in the lives of those around me? To look at the big picture?
Great post, Britt. Convicting when I think of my own selfishness and my own pity parties.