Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tips from 12 Years of Marriage

This past Sunday Dan and I celebrated 12 years of marriage
One woman commented on my FB page, "You're off to a great start"  (She's been married 46 years!)
Do you realize the current divorce rate is 33% ?!? 
Even in the Christian community.  One-in-three marriages will end in divorce.

While I don't consider myself a marital wisdom expert, I am reaching a point that I need to follow Titus 2:4.   "[older women] train the younger women to love their husbands..."  Perhaps if more of us in good, healthy relationships spoke up, together we can reverse that ugly statistic above.

Tips from 12 Years of a Happy Marriage.  (From a Wife's perspective)

1) Go in to marriage believing it is a life-contract. 
Shortly after Dan and I first wed, we attended a marriage seminar.  The pastor spoke from 13 years of marriage experience and I wondered what it would be like when Dan and I reached 13 years.
Did you catch that?  I wondered what it would be like when - not if.   Sure, a lifetime committment is scary.  I admit to a couple panic attacks that first year of marriage, thinking, "What have I done?  I can't just break-up with him!  This is a marriage.  A sacred covenant between Dan, me, and God!" 

2) Respect Your Husband       ".... and the wife must respect her husband."  Ephesians 5:33
Notice the period.  The verse doesn't read, "Respect him if he does the dishes, if he tells you how beautiful you are, if he makes lots of money". 
Respect is defined as i)giving paticular attenion to (consideration) or b) a high or special regard (esteem).
In all my thoughts and actions I should consider Dan.  What would show him special regard?  I admit I fall short on this one.  Too often I find myself chatting with girlfriends and before I know it, I'm complaining how Dan didn't buy me this, or Dan has yet to do chores ABC on my honey-do list.  Or maybe it is in front of the kids I Husband Respect FAIL.  I try not to, but it happens. I'll "correct" him and belatedly realize, that underminded his authority as the head of our household
I need to build him up - not tear him down.... especially in front of others.

3) Outserve your Husband.
All too often I fall in the trap of, "Why isn't Dan doing "X" for me?!?
First, that's a recipe for discontent.  I need to focus on the postive.  All the things Dan does do for me.
Secondly, I don't really want to step on the balancing scales of what "he does" versus  "I do".  Dan will win.
Serving is an act of love.  I love my husband.  Therefore I should want to serve him.  Little things like packing his lunch.  Making sure the kids pick up their yard toys before he mows.  Bringing in the trash cans.  Massaging his shoulders when late at night he mentions how sore they are.... just after I've gotten comfy and I am SO tired I just want to go to sleep!
I need to worry about my end of the service bargain - not Dan's.

4) Date NightsEvery Week.
No Money?  No problem.  A date night can be as simple as playing a game, watching a DVD, going for a walk.  Sharing a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.  The key?!?!  No kids.  Hiring a babysitter and going out on the town is wonderful and should be done as often as financially possible... but it is not necessary.   There is a reason God invented early bedtimes for children.  Even if the kids have to read for an hour in their bedroom.  Do what it takes to ensure you and your spouse have regular alone time to re-connect as adults.  As friends.  As romantically interested friends-plus.  ;)

There are others I've left off this list.  There is so much, in fact, that entire books have been written on marriage. 
I highly recommend "5 Love Languages" and "Love and Respect" and "His Needs, Her Needs"

I can't end this post until I mention how much I love my husband.  Dan loves God, is honest, trustworty, and faithful.  He provides financially.  He treats me with kindness, gentleness, and never belittles me.  He helps around the house and is active in raising our 3 children. 
Sure, he has his faults.  (I mentioned that honey-do list, didn't I?)
Dan isn't perfect ........ but neither is his wife  :)

What are your must-know marriage tips???? 
Afterall, I'm only 12 years into this thing.... and I'd like to make it another 66+.


  1. great post...wisdom beyond your years...I copied it on my blog!

  2. Well done, Britt. Points 2 & 3 are so very important - probably the most difficult for me. The difficult isn't because of Larry, it's because of my sin nature that wants to rebel whenever correction comes my way.

  3. I was posting a comment yesterday, but got distracted and never finished it. Oops! I'll try to remember what I wrote....

    I agree with 2 and 3 being difficult. Why must I always think about the few things that Matt doesn't excel in? Why can't I just focus on what a wonderful and loving husband he is? I'm sooo annoyed at myself when I catch myself doing that!

    Here's some other advice I thought of:

    * Be willing to forgive - in fact try to be the first to say it (not in a competitive way, Britt!)

    * Try to see the situation from your spouse's point of view - take time to really listen to what they have to say.

    * Keep God at the center of your marriage - pray often about struggles and big (and small) decisions

    * I had 1 or 2 more yesterday...don't know what they are now!

    Hope you found that useful!

  4. @Dee - I like what you said about the difficult part isn't your husband, it is your own sin nature. So true (for me as well). How great a woman's faith must be for her to still respect and serve her husband when said husband is not worthy. I have it easy, indeed.

    @ Joelle - thanks for your input! Good advice. (I will try and be first at everything in our marriage....) ;) JK

  5. Some good points! I think you would like "A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage"
